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Get 15 fresh and valuable sales leads today for your recruiting agency

Agency Leads software features

Get updated and verified jobs openings

Agency Leads is the fastest way to find verified leads with companies that use staffing agencies for their hiring.

Follow these 3 steps to receive the leads
Request your live session filling out the form
Receive the call and schedule the meeting
Go to the virtual meeting and look for the leads with our expert

Over 100.000 verified sales leads for recruiting agencies

Agency Leads has the largest updated job posting database, which means thousands of opportunities at one click.

Job listings with all its relevant information

Find easily the job description, salary, experience required and posted date with its hiring manager contact information.

Contact Managing

Tag hiring managers into different lists and mark as contacts.

Chris A

"I have utilized Agency Leads at two companies now and stand behind this tool. I truly believe that this tool is a must for any Business Development Manager that is looking to expand/grow their portfolio"